Let's Even the Playing Field...
Year after year Americans have continually voiced disapproval over the the two-party political system. Now, with over 63% Americans calling for a third party and over half of Americans now registered as Independents it's time for change.
The Five-Percent Rule
Both Democrats and Republicans have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars in public funding automatically, and sets minor parties and candidates back in the playing field. In order to qualify for such funding, the FEC stipulates that a minor candidate for President must get at least five-percent to qualify for the same funding that major parties do. So, if Americans want to grant third-parties a leg-up going forward, we must do our due-dilligence and vote for them. Now, more than ever, has the chance for third-parties to rise become a possibility.
Dissatisfied with Trump and Biden?
Multiple third-party candidates are running! Do your own research, look at their platforms listed below and vote for who suits you best. The only way to break the two-party cycle is to vote ourselves out of it. We must advocate for a brighter future.
This Website is Not Funded by a Party or a PAC. It was made by locals, for locals.
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Email: Contact@BeyondTheTwo.com